'Saint Martin's Critual' - Graham Budgett & Sebastian Mendes, 1977

a critique of a critique - borrowed steel sculpture, surveillance video of St Martin's School of Art critique with Sir Anthony Caro, Philip King, and other 'real sculpture' luminaries, image/text, photography, 'safety' posters with famous Caro sculptures, music score, choreography, music manuscript, props.

" at Saint Martin's School of Art in Central London, where I studied Sculpture in the mid-1970s, they spoke a lot about space, form, ground and gravity... "

BELOW: 'Safety' Posters disseminated around St Martin's studios

Prop it properly [featuring "Sculpture Two", 1962, Sir Anthony Caro]

[F]Utilise Procedure and Materials

Safety First Aid Second

Consider Constructivism [featuring "Midday", 1960, Sir Anthony Caro]