I'm always drunk in San Francisco
I always stay out of my mind,
But if you've been to San Francisco
They say that things like this
Go on all the time.
It never happens nowhere else,
Maybe it's the air,
'Can't really seem to help myself
And what's more I don't care!
I'm always drunk in San Francisco,
I'm never feeling any pain,
But tell me why does San Francisco
Just like a lover's kiss
Go straight to my brain?
I guess it's just the mood I'm in
That acts like alcohol,
Because I'm drunk in San Francisco,
I get stoned in San Francisco,
Yes I'm drunk in San Francisco
And... I don't drink at all!

Graham Budgett, I'm Always Drunk In San Francisco, 1982

platinum blonde wig, hot pink cocktail dress, fishnet stockings, make-up, mic, Jack Daniels.

A Duet Sing-Along Performance of the Carmen McRae Classic.