[Berlin by Night, 1987]

Berlin bei Nacht

West Berlin lights up at night; there's nothing like it in Europe. From the air it appears like a desert oasis, or a glowing sign against black sky - advertising. Berlin lies deep in red Europe. Capital of the eastern Germany, it's only an outpost of the West. Still, this side of the Wall, [and except for Disneyland - coming soon in Paris], it outshines the whole Continent. Why? What light through yonder window breaks ?

It's not the East; the eternal flame of the "Monument to the Victims of Militarism and Fascism" is ceremoniously guarded by well-drilled soldiers!

Democracy is what burns so bright each night in Berlin. Neon blooms push pollen onto bees - that's propagation ! Nazis once fired the Reichstag and blamed Communists - that's propaganda ! Advertising is, of course, creating Need, causing Hunger, but the flower of Consumption - that's publicity !

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[Zoo]Logical Garden

Photographing Berlin...



The Void

Reichstag Proposal Nr.2

The Angel of History

Georg Grosz Platz


Berlin Radiates

Berlin Bei Nacht

Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 1987

© Graham Budgett 1987 - 2017