[Berlin by Night, 1987]

Reichstag Proposal Nr.2

As publicity for the artist Christo's "Wrapped Reichstag" project a giant neon-sign, in the form of his signature, would be erected on top of the Reichstag. Its purpose - to attract attention to this crucial project, and to encourage the authorities to allow it to go through.

The Reichstag is a symbol and a museum of the tragic history of german collectivity. Christo's history is symbolic of triumphant individuality. A synthesis of individual and collective aims is never easy, but this proposal doesn't claim to be such a synthesis - more a capitulation.

To the existing' dedication on the Reichstag portico - TO THE GERMAN PEOPLE - let us add Christo's signature and wrap-up the whole issue.

[This proposal would cost neither the city of West Berlin nor the West German taxpayer a Pfennig since I would finance it wholly through sales of this preliminary montage.]

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[Zoo]Logical Garden

Photographing Berlin...



The Void

Reichstag Proposal Nr.2

The Angel of History

Georg Grosz Platz


Berlin Radiates

Berlin Bei Nacht

Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 1987

© Graham Budgett 1987 - 2017